Egypt signs investment agreements worth 163 billion USD

Egypt signs investment agreements worth 163 billion USD  - ảnh 1

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi speaks during the Egypt Economic Development conference on March 13, 2015, in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh. Photo: AFP

(VOVworld)- 40 agreements and memoranda of understanding (MOU) were signed with total investment capital worth nearly 163 billion USD during the Egypt Economic Development Conference (EEDC) from March 13 to 15. The conference, which was convened on Sunday, has attracted 2500 delegates from 112 countries, including heads of state from 20 countries, and chairmen and CEOs of multinational corporations. The housing sector, including a 45-billion-USD project to build a new administrative capital east of Cairo, has attracted 77 billion USD.

