Egyptian prosecutors investigate complaints against former President Morsi

(VOVworld) – Egypt’s prosecutor’s office on Saturday said it is investigating complaints against the ousted President Mohamed Morsi, along with other senior members of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Freedom and Justice Party.

Egyptian prosecutors investigate complaints against former President Morsi - ảnh 1
Mr Morsi's supporters have been staging protests demanding his return to office

Morsi is accused of spying, killing protesters, inciting violence, and possessing weapons. He and other 33 Muslim Brotherhood high-ranking leaders are facing another investigation relating to his alleged prison break during the 2011 revolution to topple former President Hosni Mubarak.

The same day, Egypt’s news agency MENA quoted interim Prime Minister Hazem El-Beblawi as saying that the new cabinet will be formed next week consisting of 30 members and 2 Deputy Prime Ministers in charge of economy and security. Some incumbent ministers will remain in the new cabinet.

