Embassy works to assist Vietnamese murder suspect in Malaysia

(VOVworld) - The Vietnamese Embassy in Malaysia is taking citizen protection measures for Doan Thi Huong, a suspect in the murder of a North Korean citizen, according to the Foreign Ministry’s Consular Department.

Embassy works to assist Vietnamese murder suspect in Malaysia - ảnh 1
Suspect Doan Thi Huong (yellow shirt) is taken to a court in Sepang district on March 1
(Photo: AFP/VNA)

On Thursday, representatives of the Consular Department met Huong’s family to explain the case’s procedures and detail the process of legal assistance which must be in line with Malaysia’s law and international practice.

Earlier, the department had informed the family of a consular visit to Huong and reported on her health condition.

On Wednesday morning, Huong and other suspects were taken to a court in the Sepang district of Malaysia’s Selangor state to hear the indictment.

Representatives of the Vietnamese Embassy in Malaysia were present in the court room to protect Huong’s legal rights.

The embassy’s citizen protection measures aim to ensure that procedures in the case are fair, objective, and impartial, and that Huong’s legal rights are protected. These measures included obtaining a lawyer for Huong in line with Malaysia’s laws, the Consular Department said.

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