Foreign ministerial-level meetings held to prepare for ASEAN Summit

(VOVworld)- Foreign ministerial-level meetings in preparation for the 27th ASEAN Summit and related meetings took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Friday.
Foreign ministerial-level meetings held to prepare for ASEAN Summit - ảnh 1
Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh attends Foreign ministerial-level meetings to prepare for ASEAN Summit

Speaking at the meetings, Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh, who led the Vietnamese delegation, stressed that building the ASEAN Community was a continuous and long term process. The grouping should continue to consolidate and deepen the connection in the next stage, he said, suggesting that ASEAN needed to effectively implement the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and implementation plans on the three pillars of politic-security, economic, and culture-society. Regarding the East Sea, the Vietnamese official urged ASEAN to continue to suggest a common voice and present a proactive role in this regard to ensure peace, stability, security and safety of maritime and air ways. He underlined the adherence to the principles of international law and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982, full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea, and the early completion of a Code of Conduct in the waters.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh held a bilateral meeting with Singapore Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan that day.

