Grand banquet welcomes President Putin in Hanoi

(VOVWORLD) -Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Vietnam is taking place when the two countries are celebrating the 30th anniversary of signing the Treaty on the Basic Principles of Friendly Relations, which open a new stage of development in the traditional friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and Russia, President To Lam said at a grand banquet for the Russian guest.

Grand banquet welcomes President Putin in Hanoi - ảnh 1President To Lam delivers a speech. Photo: VOV

At the banquet in Hanoi’s Opera House, President To Lam congratulated Russia for its major development achievements under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin. He said he believes that Russia will continue to grow strongly, with socio-political stability, economic dynamics, and increasing role and prestige of a great power.

Grand banquet welcomes President Putin in Hanoi - ảnh 2Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a speech. Photo: VOV

President Putin expressed his admiration for the achievements that Vietnam has gained in recent years and affirmed that Vietnam deserves to be one of the most dynamic developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region. This visit will open new horizons, helping to cement the friendship and cooperation between the two countries towards a beautiful future for the benefit of the people, he said.   

Grand banquet welcomes President Putin in Hanoi - ảnh 3President To Lam and President Vladimir Putin raise a toast. Photo: VOV
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