“Hero of the people’s armed forces” title conferred

(VOVworld) – President Truong Tan Sang has conferred the title of “Hero of the people’s armed forces” on military representatives of the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the interim Government of South Vietnam.

“Hero of the people’s armed forces” title conferred  - ảnh 1

Their forces made great contributions to the implementation of the Paris Peace Agreement and the success of the 1975 spring offensive to liberate the South and unify the country. President Sang praised the outstanding achievements made by those forces, saying that the title is in recognition of their great contribution and their diplomatic and military achievements: "The establishment of these two forces was of strategic significance to the Vietnamese revolution and marked a milestone in the military - diplomatic front during the anti US war of resistance. This is also a valuable lesson about the art of military – diplomatic struggle of the Party of Vietnam, which incorporates bravery, flexibility and dynamism".

