Ho Chi Minh City economy maintains stable development

(VOVworld) – Deputy Prime Minister Vu Van Minh on Tuesday hosted a working session with Ho Chi Minh People’s Committee on the city’s socio-economic development in the first 5 months and the privatisation of state-run enterprises.

Ho Chi Minh City economy maintains stable development - ảnh 1
Deputy Prime Minister Vu Van Minh at the working session with  Ho Chi Minh People’s Committee on Tuesday. (Photo: VGP)

In the first 5 months, the city’s socio-economic development has progressed stably as the city’s budget achieved 46 per cent of this year’s plan. Export turn-over reached 2.8 million USD and the total of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) capital is 739 million USD, more than 21 per cent and fourth times larger in comparison to the same period last year respectively. 79 state-run enterprises were privatised and 30 enterprises are scheduled to be privatised in the next two years.
The Deputy Prime Minister hailed the city’s attraction for FDI and asked for the difficulties of 30 enterprises in their privatisation plans to be addressed and the city’s plan to deal with these difficulties so that Central agencies could help the city to accomplished planned targets.

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