India strengthens security for Modi’s oath

(VOVworld) – Indian authorities have strengthened security in New Delhi for the swearing-in ceremony of the new Prime Minister Narendra Modi to be held at the Presidential Palace on Monday.

India strengthens security for Modi’s oath - ảnh 1
India's new Prime Minister Narendra Modi (Photo: Reuters)

Traffic was banned at 6 main roads from 4pm. The Central Reserve Police Force and Rapid Action Force surrounded the palace and a no-fly zone was set above the ceremonial area. Indian media reported that the Indian People’s Party (BJP) wanted to turn the Prime Minister’s inauguration into an impressive Diwali festival.The names of cabinet members will not be released until Sunday. The Cabinet will be smaller, with some ministries merging for more effective performance.

Present at the ceremony will be Pakistan’s President Nawar Sharif. This will be the first time in history that a Pakistani President has been invited to the swearing-in ceremony for an Indian Prime Minister. This was seen as a first big step forward healing relations between the two neighboring nuclear powers.   

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