Le Pho’s “La famille dans le jardin” fetches 2.3 million USD

(VOVWORLD) -Vietnamese artist Le Pho’s painting “La famille dans le jardin” (The family in a garden) fetched 2.3 million USD at Sotheby’s auction house’s 50th Anniversary Contemporary Evening Auction on Wednesday.
Le Pho’s “La famille dans le jardin” fetches 2.3 million USD - ảnh 1Le Pho's "La famille dans le jardin" fetches 2.3 million USD. (Photo: Sotheby's/VOV)

The painting was done in ink and gouache on silk, on a large canvas, and features five characters and minute details showcasing Le Pho’s sophisticated craftsmanship.

The auction also displayed two other paintings by Vietnamese artists, including Jeune femme en bleu dans un paysage (A woman in blue ao dai in an open landscape) by Vu Cao Dam, and Femmes et enfants au bord de la riviere (Mother and child by the river) by Mai Trung Thu.

The former fetched nearly 900,000 USD and the latter 725,000 USD.

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