Meeting to mark 85th anniversary of Vietnam’s Communist Party

(VOVworld) – A meeting to mark the 85th anniversary of Vietnam’s Communist Party was held in Hanoi on Monday with the attendance of senior Party and State leaders as well as representatives of people across social strata. Addressing the event, Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong highlighted the significance of the establishment of Vietnam’s Communist Party 85 years ago: "The establishment of Vietnam’s Communist Party was a turning point in Vietnam’s revolution and marked a milestone in Vietnam’s development path. The Party has led the Vietnamese people to overcome numerous difficulties to achieve glorious exploits in the 20th century including the victory of the August Revolution in 1945, national liberation, and the success of the renewal process."  

Meeting to mark 85th anniversary of Vietnam’s Communist Party - ảnh 1
Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong addresses the meeting on February 2nd, 2015. Photo: VOV

People trust the Party’s leadership, Party leader Trong said, noting that the Party has steadily improved itself. He spoke about the Party’s current tasks: "An all-out effort is underway to boost Vietnam’s renewal, industrialization, and modernization, develop a market economy with a socialist orientation, speed up international integration, contribute to national construction and defense, and create an equal, democratic, civilized and wealthy Vietnam."

Mr. Trong urged the Party and the people to fulfill all set socio-economic targets, ensure national independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity, successfully organize Party congresses at all levels and the 12th National Party Congress, and implement the Party Central Committee’s resolution on Party building and the Politburo’s Directive No. 3 on following President Ho Chi Minh’s moral examples.  

