Myanmar President U Thein Sein promises to respect election results

Myanmar President U Thein Sein promises to respect election results - ảnh 1
Myanmar President Thein Sein
(VOVworld) - Myanmar President U Thein Sein has promised to accept results of the general election to be held on Sunday. U Thein Sein made the remarks in a nationwide speech to voters on the national radio and TV on Friday two days ahead of the historic poll.
He expressed his belief that all political forces would also respect the results. He urged voters to cast ballots responsibly to honestly and correctly reflect their will, while calling on government officials and employees and armed forces members to cast votes in a free and fair manner.
The Union Election Commission said a total of 6,038 candidates from 91 parties and 310 independent runners will compete for more than 1,000 seats at three levels of the parliament. 32 million people are eligible to vote in the election.
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