NA deputies: Planning for Hanoi must resolve traffic, environment, health issues

(VOVWORLD) - The 7th session of the 15th National Assembly on Thursday discussed the Planning for Hanoi capital city the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050, and the Overall Project to Adjust the General Planning for the Capital City until 2045, with a vision to 2065.
NA deputies: Planning for Hanoi must resolve traffic, environment, health issues - ảnh 1The 7th session of the 15th National Assembly (illustrative photo:

Both plans have an important role to create new development space, motivation, and value to build Hanoi into a smart, modern, green, clean, beautiful, and secure city with fast and sustainable development.

The National Assembly deputies said planners should focus more on traffic, environment, and health.

Hoang Van Cuong, an NA deputy for Hanoi, recommended solving traffic congestion and environmental pollution by building the railway system.

“The focus should be on building 14 urban railway routes as mentioned in the Plan to form a railway network so that people can use trains instead of private means of transportation. Current problems of traffic congestion and environmental pollution can be resolved through the development of the railway system,” said Cuong.

Minister of Construction Nguyen Thanh Nghi elaborated contents of the Planning. “The planning has been adjusted with consideration of development strategies on cooperation, cultural heritage, and green development. It aims to establish a livable environment, smart and sustainable urban areas, and specific dynamic mechanisms of the Planning for the Capital City. The urban structure is a multi-pole, multi-centered urban cluster with five urban areas.”

On Thursday morning, the NA deputies discussed the revised Laws on Land, Housing, Real Estate, and Credit Organizations. In the afternoon, the NA deputies discussed the draft Laws on Geology and Minerals, and the draft Law on Urban Planning and Rural Planning.

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