Pakistani, Indian troops exchange fire in Kashmir

S. Chawla, an Indian army spokesman, said Pakistani soldiers crossed the “Line of Control” (LoC) in Kashmir on Tuesday and attacked an army patrol, killing two Indian soldiers. He said the Pakistani soldiers crossed into Indian-controlled Kashmir near the town of Mendhar, about 175 kilometers from the region’s main city Srinagar, taking advantage of thick fog. The Pakistani soldiers retreated after a gun battle with Indian forces.

Pakistani, Indian troops exchange fire in Kashmir - ảnh 1
Kashmir has been a flashpoint between India and Pakistan for 60 years (Photo: bbc)

This was the second attack in the last three days in Kashmir. Pakistan said one of its soldiers was killed and another wounded when Indian troops came across the LoC in the Haji Pir sector, 80 km north of Islamabad. Indian soldiers were handed a protest note from the Pakistani government but New Delhi denied the allegation. Indian soldiers accused Pakistan of shelling the village of Uri near of Haji Pi and said the exchange of fire with Pakistani soldiers lasted for around an hour.

