Party Central Committee convenes 11th plenum

(VOVWORLD) - The Party Central Committee began a meeting in Hanoi on Monday to discuss draft documents to be submitted to the 13th National Party Congress in 2021.
Party Central Committee convenes 11th plenum - ảnh 1

Senior Party members meet in Hanoi on October 7, 2019 to discuss draft documents to be submitted to the 2021 National Party Congress. (Photo: Tri Dung/VNA) 

In opening the plenum, Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong underlined the importance of the meeting, saying 2020 is the last year of the 12th Party Central Committee tenure, when Party organizations at all levels will hold congresses in preparation for the 13th National Party Congress. He emphasized that a political report is the congress’s key document and the basis for other documents.

“We should work closely on analyzing and evaluating the implementation of resolutions of the 12th term and other Party resolutions. We must identify weaknesses and shortcomings in implementing Party policies and guidelines and work out solutions,” said Mr. Trong.

During their week-long session, senior Party members will discuss the Political Report, the Report on the 10-year implementation of the Platform on National Construction in the Period of Transition to Socialism, and other documents. 

