Philippines: Rodrigo Duterte wins presidential race

(VOVworld) – Preliminary counts indicate that Rodrigo Duterte, Mayor of the southern Philippine city of Davao, has won Philippines’ presidential election.

Philippines: Rodrigo Duterte wins presidential race - ảnh 1
Mayor of the Philippine southern city of Davao Rodrigo Duterte (Photo: EPA)

With 37 million votes counted, Duterte has 14.4 million votes. His nearest rival, former Interior Secretary Manuel Mar Roxas had 8.6 million votes, while Senator Grace Poe had 8.1 million votes. It is estimated that about 4 million votes have yet to be counted.

Senator Poe has already conceded the race to Duterte. She congratulated Duterte, saying he “is clearly the leading candidate in the ongoing count and has been chosen by a plurality of people”. During the campaign, Duterte pledged to wipe out crime and corruption if he won.

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