President Obama’s historic visit to Cuba

(VOVworld) President Barack Obama wrapped up his three-day historic visit to Cuba Tuesday after decades of hostility between the two countries.

President Obama’s historic visit to Cuba  - ảnh 1
Cuban President Raul Castro and US President Barack Obama (Photo:

On his last day, Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro watched a friendship baseball game between the Cuban national team and US Major League Baseball's Tampa Bay Rays.  Obama had a two-hour talk with President Castro in which the two leaders vowed to improve bilateral ties despite current differences. Obama delivered a speech to the Cuban Civil Society, in which he said it was the character of the Cuban people that made Washington reconsidered its policies of economic and political isolation for Cuba for the past half century. Obama attended the first Cuba-US Economic Forum, where he talked to young Cuban entrepreneurs about prospects for economic ties between the two countries between US and Cuba. Cuba and the US also signed a memorandum of understanding this week on cooperation in geology, hydrology and agriculture.  

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