Press conference updates on China's actions to escalate tensions in the East Sea

(VOVworld) - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a press briefing in Hanoi on Thursday with update development since China’s illegal placement of an oil rig in Vietnam’s waters and Vietnamese peaceful efforts to resolve the issue.

Press conference updates on China's actions to escalate tensions in the East Sea - ảnh 1
(photo: Nhu Y/

Despite diplomatic effort and strong opposition from the world community, China over the past month neither stopped its illegal activities but continued with distortion, accusation and blaming on Vietnam. China has escalated the situation by widening the operation area of the oil rig and deployed more vessels actively attacking and ramming Vietnamese civilian boats.
12 Vietnamese fisheries surveillance staff have been injured, 24 law enforcement ships were rammed to damage, including 5 coast guard and 19 fisheries surveillance ships. China had obstructed Vietnamese rescue efforts for Vietnamese fishermen following the Chinese ramming to sink a Vietnamese fishing boat, seriously threatening peace, stability and navigation freedom in the East Sea.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Le Hai Binh: “The protection of peace, stability, security and maritime safety in the region is interest, responsibility and mission of all related countries, in and outside the region. The US is a powerhouse  in the world and the Asia Pacific. The US has made the voice about regional tension. We wish that the US continue to add weight to their voice plus more practical action for peace in the region.”

Press conference updates on China's actions to escalate tensions in the East Sea - ảnh 2
A foreign reporter asked questions (photo: Nhu Y/

Deputy Chairman of the national border committee, Tran Duy Hai, rejected Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson’s statement that Vietnamese ships harassed Chinese oil rig operation and China’s publication of a document and diplomatic note at the UN: “the Diplomatic note and statement by Ms Hua Chunying both distorted the truth. There are only images of Chinese ships attacking Vietnamese boats, not evidence proving the other way around. Chinese attacks and ramming against Vietnamese boats were recognized by China in its public media. We absolutely rejected this statement.”
Vietnam will continue with its peaceful measures demanding China withdraw its oil rig from Vietnamese waters while urging the world community to oppose Chinese wrongful acts for justice and rightfulness.

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