Russia rejects UN findings on Syrian chemical weapons

(VOVworld) - Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, said Tuesday that Russia had serious questions about the findings of a recent UN-led investigation that blamed the Syrian regime for chemical attacks.

Russia rejects UN findings on Syrian chemical weapons - ảnh 1
Civilians are treated in a hospital after an alleged chlorine gas attack in Aleppo. (Photo: Reuters)

Speaking to the press following a closed-door Security Council meeting to discuss the report, Mr. Churkin said there were a number of questions that had to be clarified before Russia could accept all the findings of the report.

Previously, the Joint Investigative Mechanism of the UN and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons released a report saying that Syrian government forces had used chlorine in two attacks against civilians. Government and opposition forces in Syria have accused each other of using chemical weapons.
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