Russia warns of measures against US and NATO missile shield in Europe

Russia warns of measures against US and NATO missile shield in Europe  - ảnh 1
Russian president Dmitry Medvedev

Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has outlined possible "appropriate measures" if missile defense talks with Washington and NATO fail. According to a Moscow-based VOV correspondent, President Medvedev said the US is going ahead with its missile defence shield in Europe and Russia cannot just wait and see: “Russia’s Defence Ministry will put a missile warning radar station in the Kaliningrad region into operation. Priority will also be given to upgrading the protection of Russia’s strategic nuclear forces. Iskander missiles will be equipped with devices that enable them to get through anti-missile shields and destroy opponents' missile guidance and information capabilities”.

President Medvedev warned that Russia may withdraw from the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with the U.S. if the situation with the European anti-missile defense develops in an unfavorable way.

