Showroom of 400 items helps consumers identify counterfeit products

(VOVWORLD) - A Hanoi showroom features more than 400 essential products to help visitors identify genuine from counterfeit goods in the market. 
Showroom of 400 items helps consumers identify counterfeit products - ảnh 1A representative from General Department of Market Surveillance instructs visitors on how to identify authentic rice brands. (Photo: VNA)
Held by the General Department of Market Surveillance on Tuesday, the display focuses on food items such as Ong Cua, Ngon Nhat, and Seng Cu rice, soybeans, Pediasure, Glucerno, Abbott Grow, and Ensure Gold powdered milk, Hubba Bubba gum, Nguyen Ninh sticky rice cakes, and honey, among other FnB products and food supplements. 
This is the 12th edition of the showroom held annually by the General Department of Market Surveillance. Experts will give visitors basic guidelines on how to identify “telltale signs” of a fake or authentic product.
In addition, products that infringe on intellectual property rights, as well as low-quality, counterfeit products will be displayed at the showroom to help visitors learn about violations. 
Entry is free for the public until Sunday. 
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