Turkey wants to reestablish traditional relations with Russia

(VOVworld) – Three weeks after the downing of a Russian warplane by Turkey, Ankara has announced that it wants to resume traditional bilateral relations with Russia.  

Turkey wants to reestablish traditional relations with Russia - ảnh 1
Turkey wants no tension in relations with Russia, PM DAVUTOGLU says on Bulgaria visit.
(Photo: newsunited.com)

On Wednesday Germany’s “Focus” newspaper quoted Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu as saying after talks with his Bulgarian counterpart Boiko Borissow that Ankara has no desire for tension with Russia because it will affect neighboring areas and global peace.

According to the Turkish Prime Minister, Ankara is ready to exchange information with Russia.

Turkey’s Anadolu news agency reported that Davutoglu reiterated Turkey’s rights to defend its national sovereignty if its airspace is threatened.

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