US and Russia relations develop practically

US and Russia relations develop practically  - ảnh 1
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney (Photo: Press TV)

(VOVworld) - White House Press Secretary Jay Carney has said that relations between the US and Russia have developed practically over the past 4 years.
According to the Russian news agency, ITAR-TASS, Carney made the statement in Monday’s press conference. He said the practicality is seen in the fact that Washington wants to cooperate with Moscow in all potential fields and is trying to clarify issues on which both still have differences.
Carney said President Barack Obama still plans to attend the G-20 summit of world major economies scheduled for September in St. Petersburg. Carney underlined that the US President’s agenda will not change, adding that the G20 summit is an international forum in which Washington will focus discussions on international issues.

In regards to whether or not President Obama will arrive in Moscow next month to participate in a high level meeting between Russia and the US, Carney said the US is reevaluating its practicality and will make final decisions in the coming days. The spokesperson said Washington will look at the bilateral talk in light of the disputes over ex-CIA employee Edward Snowden and other matters including Syria.

