US businesses praise Vietnam’s ensuring safety for foreign organizations

(VOVworld) – Vietnamese Ambassador to the US Nguyen Quoc Cuong Wednesday held talks with a group of US businesses’ leaders in Washington to discuss Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) and the Vietnam-US relations.

US businesses praise Vietnam’s ensuring safety for foreign organizations - ảnh 1
Many investors affected by riot in May resumed normal operation

Mr Cuong called on the US businesses to support the early signing of TPP Agreement and review the escalating East Sea tensions caused by China’s illegal deployment of Haiyang 981 oil rig in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf. Leaders of US businesses expressed their concerns that the tensions would halt the trade and commerce activities, asking all parties to restrain and seek measures to resolve the tensions.

US business community praised comprehensive measures of Vietnam’s government that ensure the safety and property of foreign businesses and organizations in Vietnam. They were also impressed that most foreign investors affected by riot in May resumed normal operation.

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