US demands DPRK pay for Sony hack

(VOVworld) – The US has demanded compensation from North Korea for its alleged cyber attack on the Sony Pictures Entertainment company amid growing tensions between the two countries.

US demands DPRK pay for Sony hack - ảnh 1

Workers remove the poster for “The Interview” from a billboard in Hollywood on December 18, 2014. US officials say Pyongyang targeted Sony Pictures to halt the planned release of its recent movie, “The Interview,” which depicts the fictional assassination of North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un. (Photo: AFP)

“The North Korean government is responsible for this destructive attack”, said US State Department spokesperson Marie Harf on Monday. She urged North Korea to practise restraint and avoid any provocative action at this time.
A FBI statement issued Friday said it has enough information to conclude that Pyongyang is responsible for the attacks, which took place in late November. US President Barack Obama has promised to respond proportionately to North Korea’s hacking.

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