Vice President receives Fashion Group Hyungji President

(VOVworld) - Vietnam always creates the best possible conditions for foreign businesses, including the Republic of Korea’s Fashion Group Hyungji, to expand its investment and operate in Vietnam.

Vice President receives Fashion Group Hyungji President  - ảnh 1
Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan receives Fashion Group Hyungji President

Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan made the statement at a reception for President of the Fashion Group Hyungji, Choi Byung Oh in Hanoi on Monday. Ms Doan who is also Chairperson of the National Fund for Vietnamese Children spoke highly of the Korean group’s development investment in the northern province of Bac Giang, saying that in addition to business development, the group showed its social responsibility towards the poor and single mothers in Asia, including Vietnam. She said the Vietnamese Party and State have issued a number of policies and programs on child care and education, however, it is important to involve the whole of society in these activities. Choi Byung Oh said that the group will continue to assist Vietnamese children. To mark the occasion, he presented US$50,000 to the National Fund For Vietnamese Children (NFVC).


