Vietnam and the UK aim to further accelerate strategic partnership

(VOVworld) - Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung today/ on Wednesday met with visiting UK Foreign Secretary William Hague, at the Government Office in Hanoi.

Vietnam and the UK aim to further accelerate strategic partnership - ảnh 1

The Prime Minister said that Vietnam and the United Kingdom need to implement their action plans 
to continue implementing the two countries' strategic partnership for mutual benefits. He suggested that both nations increase the exchange of visits, boost trade and investment and expand cooperation in tourism, education and training. Mr. Dung also asked Mr. Hague to talk with Vietnam’s ministries to boost bilateral cooperation, especially in regional and international issues of mutual concerns. Hague said that his visit is to strengthen cooperation in economics, investment, education and the fight against crime. He added the UK Government has always created the best possible conditions for Vietnamese businesses to invest in their country.

Earlier, Hague held talks with his Vietnamese counterpart Pham Binh Minh. He stressed: “Today I have stressed the commitment of the United Kingdom to free trade and open economics.  Our energetic approach to foreign policies and network world and our intention to build a stronger tie for the future through education and free trade,  so we will continue to work to build up our work with Vietnam on all of these subjects with the very strong commitment from the British Government”.

Both parties agreed to step up exchanges between Vietnam and the UK to mark the  40th anniversary of their bilateral ties in 2013.

On the same day, Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong received Secretary William Hague at the Party central committee. Mr. Trong said Vietnam has always attached importance to boosting cooperation with the UK’s ruling parites and policy research institutes. He also expressed his hope to boost cooperation between parties for further mutual understanding.

