Vietnam joins ASEAN Conference on Women in Politics

(VOVworld) - The ASEAN Conference on Women in Politics took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Saturday gathering 24 political parties of ASEAN members and its partner and dialogue countries.


Vietnam joins ASEAN Conference on Women in Politics - ảnh 1
Malaysian PM Najib Razak poses a photo with leaders of the delegation to the 2015 ASEAN Conference on Women in Politics. (Photo: Kim Dung-Chi Giap/Vietnam+)

The event aimed to provide a platform linking women politicians with the outside world, thus creating a wider network among them.

The Vietnamese delegation was led by Madam Truong Thi Ngoc Anh, deputy President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front.

Participants clarified the role of women in political, socio-economic development and pointed out the reasons why women’s position hasn’t been recognized relevant to their capacity and contributions.

Madam Ngoc Anh briefed on achievements in every aspect Vietnam has gained over recent years and put forth measures to increase the number of women in Party, State, and National Assembly agencies.



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