Vietnam, Laos improve cooperation between ministries of finance

(VOVworld) - Lao Prime Minister Thong sin Thammavong  received a Vietnamese delegation  led by Finance Minister Vuong Dinh Hue on Monday in Vientiane. Minister Hue reported back to the PM on the outcomes of  talks between the two ministries and reiterated determination to boost bilateral cooperation. PM Thongsin Thammavong spoke highly of the delegation's visit and hoped for further cooperation and exchanges between the two sides.

Minister of Finance Vuong Dinh Hue on Sunday held talks with his Laotian counterpart on measures to further enhance professional cooperation between the 2 countries.

Vietnam, Laos improve cooperation between ministries of finance - ảnh 1
Minister of Finance Vuong Dinh Hue (Photo: Internet)

Laotian Minister Phuphet Khamphuvong reaffirmed that the Lao government wants to continue to cooperate and exchange knowledge with Vietnam in human resource training, financial management, and infrastructure construction. Minister Vuong Dinh Hue stressed that the Vietnamese government will do its utmost to foster cooperation between the 2 financial sectors in a more effective manner to further contribute to both countries’ economies.

