Michigan shootings kill 6

Michigan shootings kill 6

(VOVworld) – At least 6 people were killed and 3 wounded in a series of apparently random shootings in Michigan state early Sunday morning
Spain arrests terror suspects

Spain arrests terror suspects

(VOVworld) – Spanish police arrested 7 people suspected of having links with international terror groups Al Qaeda and IS
Seven suspected IS militants arrested in Morocco

Seven suspected IS militants arrested in Morocco

(VOVworld) – On Tuesday, Moroccan security authorities arrested seven persons with suspected ties to the Islamic State group who were allegedly planning to travel to Libya to join the local IS...
Are nuclear talks without North Korea feasible?

Are nuclear talks without North Korea feasible?

(VOVworld)- Republic of Korean President Park Geun Hye recently called for a 5-party talk to discuss nuclear issues on the Korean peninsula after North Korea declared it had successfully...
Iran arrests 100 people over Saudi Embassy attack

Iran arrests 100 people over Saudi Embassy attack

(VOVworld) – Approximately 100 suspects have been arrested following an attack on Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Tehran which caused Riyadh to cool diplomatic relations with Tehran, a spokesman for Iran...
Terrorism expands to Asia

Terrorism expands to Asia

(VOVworld) – A number of terror attacks took place during the first month of 2016. Terrorism has expanded to Asia, prompting Asian countries to tighten security and contribute more to the...
More signs of tension in the Middle East

More signs of tension in the Middle East

(VOVworld) – Saudi Arabia’s mass execution of 47 people, including Shiite religious leader Nimr al-Nimr, on terrorism charges is facing strong international criticism and has ignited a wave of protests among...
Germany: IS behind New Year bomb plot in Munich

Germany: IS behind New Year bomb plot in Munich

(VOVworld) - Joachim Herrman, the Interior Minister for the southern state of Bavaria, Germany, said police had indications IS was planning to attack two railway stations in Munich. Munich's main railway station,...