US veterans visit Quang Nam

US veterans visit Quang Nam

(VOVworld) - A delegation from the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA), led by its Vice President Marsha Lynn Four toured the central province of Quang Nam on Tuesday
Quang Tri youths pay tribute to war martyrs

Quang Tri youths pay tribute to war martyrs

(VOVworld) – 21,000 war martyrs’ tombs at the Road 9 National Martyrs’ Cemetery and the Truong Son National Martyrs’ Cemetery were decorated with flowers by young people in Quang Tri...
Libya: IS attacks luxurious hotel in Tripoli

Libya: IS attacks luxurious hotel in Tripoli

(VOVworld) – At least three people were killed and five were injured in an attack Tuesday targeting Tripoli’s luxurious Corinthia Hotel which often receives government officials and foreign delegations
New Year celebrations prevail all over the world

New Year celebrations prevail all over the world

(VOVworld)- Jubilant activities to celebrate the New Year 2015 took place I major cities in Vietnam. In Hanoi, several programs were held attracting a lot of people. Nguyen Thanh Tung is a local in...
2014- A disastrous year for world aviation

2014- A disastrous year for world aviation

(VOVworld)- 2014 has been a year of aviation accidents and incidents. Since the beginning of the year, there have been 30 aviation accidents around the world, leaving more than 1...
Vietnam, Cambodia foster friendship

Vietnam, Cambodia foster friendship

(VOVworld) – Cambodia’s Rasmei Kampuchea Daily (the Light of Cambodia) ran an article on Tuesday highlighting the time-honored relationship between Vietnam and Cambodia on the occasion of Vietnamese...
Hostage crisis in Australia ends

Hostage crisis in Australia ends

(VOVworld) – Australian police confirmed Tuesday that the gunman and two of his hostages died in a hostage situation in downtown Sydney
Protests turn violent in California

Protests turn violent in California

(VOVworld) – Protests against a series of incidents involving the death of black Americans at the hands of white police officers turned violent in Berkeley, California, as protesters threw rocks and...
US servicemen’s remains repatriated

US servicemen’s remains repatriated

(VOVworld)- A repatriation ceremony for remains of US servicemen who died during the war in Vietnam was held at Noi Bai International Airport on Saturday