Hanoi forum empowers girls

Hanoi forum empowers girls

(VOVWORLD) - One hundred girls will gather in Hanoi for a dialogue with leaders of the National Assembly, Government, and State agencies from Friday to Sunday. Entitled “Promoting rights of girls for change and...
Central Highlands culture shines in Hanoi

Central Highlands culture shines in Hanoi

(VOVworld) - The essence of the traditional culture of ethnic minorities in the Central Highlands was showcased at the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology in Hanoi last Saturday
More efforts needed to support poor ethnic minorities

More efforts needed to support poor ethnic minorities

(VOVworld) – Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has called for efforts to fulfill development targets set for this year and the 2011-2015 period. Closing the government monthly meeting for September on Tuesday, he asked ministries...

200 village patriarchs of ethnic minorities praised

(VOVworld) – More than 200 village patriarchs have been honored for their contribution to the socio-economic development, poverty eradication, and well being of ethnic minority groups in Dak Nong province
Vietnam Family Day 2013 celebrated

Vietnam Family Day 2013 celebrated

(VOVworld) – 150 families from ethnic minorities gathered in Hanoi today/ Thursday to share their experiences in household economic development and caring for the family while living sustainably. The meeting celebrated...