Israeli airstrike targets Gaza strip

Israeli airstrike targets Gaza strip

(VOVworld) - At least six Palestinians, including women and children, have been injured in a series of Israeli air strikes targeting different parts of the Gaza Strip early on Friday morning. According to...
Vietnam to boost engineering

Vietnam to boost engineering

(VOVworld) – The Prime Minister has ordered greater investment in mechanical engineering to make it a spearhead industry
Patriotic emulation movements in the current time

Patriotic emulation movements in the current time

(VOVworld) – President Ho Chi Minh appealed for a nationwide patriotic emulation movement on June 11, 1948. Since then, emulation movements have been repeatedly used to generate practical results in national...
IMF disburses 4.6 billion USD  in aid for Egypt

IMF disburses 4.6 billion USD in aid for Egypt

(VOVworld) - The International Monetary Fund approved the disbursement of 4.6 billion USD in aid to Greece on Friday, after a yearlong delay to ensure that Athens met targets set by bailout lenders ...
Faith in EU integration shaken

Faith in EU integration shaken

(VOVworld)- The European Parliament election results have been announced. Though the Alliance of Conservative, Social and Democratic Parties won the majority of votes in the new parliament, it was a surprise that...
Revised Enterprise Law  to meet international standards

Revised Enterprise Law to meet international standards

(VOVworld) – National Assembly deputies discussed in groups revisions to the Enterprise Law on Wednesday morning. The draft law is expected to create more favorable conditions for the establishment of businesses,...