EU summit discusses regional issues

EU summit discusses regional issues

(VOVworld)- 27 European Union leaders gathered in Brussels on Thursday to discuss issues that have split the bloc over the past few months. High on the agenda will be Greece’s debt...
White House slowdowns in TPP issue

White House slowdowns in TPP issue

(VOVworld)- The US House voted 236 to 189 on Wednesday to give itself six more weeks for a second vote on rule change on Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), one part of a trade package, called...
Korean tensions continue

Korean tensions continue

(VOVworld) – Increasing pressure and sanctions on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to bring Pyongyang back to the negotiating table was the focus of a high-level meeting between the US...
British Prime Minister forms new cabinet

British Prime Minister forms new cabinet

(VOVworld) – British Prime Minister David Cameron began working on an all Conservative cabinet on Saturday after his landslide victory in the general elections
Greece faces numerous challenges

Greece faces numerous challenges

(VOVworld)- Eurozone finance ministers have approved reform proposals submitted by Greece in order to obtain a four-month extension of its bailout. The extension will help Greece avoid bankruptcy but at...
Iran, P5+1 resume nuclear talks

Iran, P5+1 resume nuclear talks

(VOVworld) - With little more than two months to deadline, Iran and six world powers on Friday launched a fresh effort at narrowing stubborn differences on what nuclear concessions Tehran must...
Ukraine- Russia: Road to dialogues closing

Ukraine- Russia: Road to dialogues closing

(VOVworld)- The relationship between Russia and Ukraine has turned a dangerous corner. Despite goodwill statements made after Ukraine elected a new President, both countries seem to be losing patience and...