Iran not to close nuclear facilities

Iran not to close nuclear facilities

(VOVworld) – Ali-Akbar Velayati, a Senior Advisor to Iran’s Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said on Tuesday Iran would continue to develop its nuclear program despite other countries’ objections
Israel and the US face mounting differences

Israel and the US face mounting differences

(VOVworld) - Several Israeli cabinet ministers have criticized the US for its Secretary of State’s peace talks with Palestine. Speaking in Munich on Saturday, John Kerry warned that Israel may...
Middle East: 2013’s most unstable region

Middle East: 2013’s most unstable region

(VOVworld)- In 2013, the Middle East topped the list of the world’s most unstable regions due to clashes between Israel and Palestine, Syria’s civil war and Iran’s nuclear...
US optimistic about Israel-Palestine peace deal

US optimistic about Israel-Palestine peace deal

(VOVworld) – The peace negotiation between Israel and Palestine will continue with the hope that the two sides will narrow their differences and sign a framework for a final peace deal, despite...
Israel delays settlement building

Israel delays settlement building

(VOVworld)- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has delayed a plan to build more than 1000 new settlement houses until US Secretary of State John Kerry concludes his visit to the...
Israel frees 26 Palestinian prisoners

Israel frees 26 Palestinian prisoners

(VOVworld) - Israeli authorities on Tuesday began to free the third group of 26 Palestinian prisoners as part of the ongoing US-brokered agreement to resume direct peace talks with the...
Iran’s nuclear deal- cautious optimism

Iran’s nuclear deal- cautious optimism

(VOVworld)- The historically significant nuclear agreement reached recently between Iran and the P5+1 group after nearly a decade of failed efforts is just a temporary deal. To reach a comprehensive...
Nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 fail

Nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 fail

(VOVworld)- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that national rights and interests, including the right to develop nuclear power in accordance with international law and the right to enrich uranium in Iranian...