Ha Long Bay

Ha Long Bay

(VOVworld) – Ha Long Bay, Vietnam’s "Descending Dragon", is located in the Tonkin Gulf in Quang Ninh province, about 180 km from Hanoi

Vietnam - Lao Fronts consolidate relations

(VOVworld) – Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on Monday received Phanduongchit Vongxa, Chairman of the Lao Front for National Construction in Hanoi on Monday
"Xam tau dien"- street art of Hanoi

"Xam tau dien"- street art of Hanoi

(VOVworld)- Xam singing known as streetcar singing appeared in the north of Vietnam long ago. In Hanoi, there’s a unique style of Xam singing, called Xam tau dien, which was performed on trams or streetcars by mostly...
  October 24th , 2012

October 24th , 2012

Here’s an email from Juan Carlos Gil Mongio of Spain. He said he was very happy because he received our answer to his recent letter and he can...
Vietnam is active in Francophone activities

Vietnam is active in Francophone activities

(VNA/VOVworld)- Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan is leading a Vietnamese delegation to attend the 14th Francophone Summit which opened in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo on Saturday. The attendees discuss...