Intensifying the fight against avian influenza

Intensifying the fight against avian influenza

(VOVworld) - Border provinces have been required to disinfect and sterilise all border gates and crossings, as well as cross-border vehicles, to prevent the deadly avian influenza strain A/H7N9...
Italian Prime Minister wins confidence vote

Italian Prime Minister wins confidence vote

(VOVworld) - Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta's coalition government survived a confidence vote Wednesday by a healthy margin, with 235 senators voting in favor to 70 against

EU economic sanctions against Syria extends 1 year

The Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union (EU) on Friday announced to extend the economic sanctions against Syria for one year. According to the statement, the restrictive measures will apply until 1...

Iranians protest against US, 'global arrogance'

Iranians protested outside of the former US embassy in Tehran on Friday, marking the country's annual “Day of Fighting the Global Arrogance”. The yearly celebration coincides with the anniversary of the November...

Malians rally against military intervention

Some 2,000 people took to the streets in the Mali capital yesterday/ on Thursday to protest plans for a foreign military intervention to reclaim territory seized by armed Islamist groups...