Communist Review launches publication on unplugging institutional bottlenecks to thrive

(VOVWORLD) -The Communist Review’s newly-released special publication is an in-depth study of the institutional barriers that are holding back Vietnam's socio-economic development, as well as lessons learned from the world. 
Communist Review launches publication on unplugging institutional bottlenecks to thrive  - ảnh 1Associate Professor, Dr. Le Hai Binh, Alternate Member of the Party Central Committee and Editor-in-Chief of the Communist Review presents publications to the delegates. Photo:

The publication, which was debuted on Monday in Hanoi, analyzes that by unplugging bottlenecks, Vietnam has advantages to attract investment, develop businesses, improve national competitiveness, streamline the administrative apparatus, and improve policy efficiency.

Some major solutions are championing decentralization, building e-government, reforming administrative procedures towards efficiency and on the principles of openness and transparency, implementing a monitoring mechanism, improving the investment environment, supporting start-up businesses, and boosting digital transformation in production and services.

Editor-in-Chief of the Communist Review Le Hai Binh said"We try to have theoretical perspectives on the times when Vietnam has removed bottlenecks, point out some of the bottlenecks in very important fields such as science, technology, and education. This publication contributes a perspective, more information both in theory and practice, offers solutions, and raises questions to address institutional bottlenecks in the country's socio-economic development, culture, defense, and foreign affairs."

