The NA considers Vietnam's accession to the Cape Town Convention and Protocol

(VOVworld) - The President and government representatives on Thursday presented to the National Assembly a request for Vietnam to join the Cape Town Convention and Protocol.

The NA considers Vietnam's accession to the Cape Town Convention and Protocol - ảnh 1
Minister of Transport Dinh La Thang said joining the Cape Town Convention and Protocol would bring Vietnam opportunities to access inventive loans to by plane

President Truong Tan Sang said the accession would create opportunities for Vietnamese airlines to enjoy incentives from airplane producers and international credit organizations and meet the development demand of Vietnam’s aviation sector. Mr. Sang asked the National Assembly to consider Vietnam's accession to the Cape Town Convention and Protocol, taking into consideration possible difficulties in handling disputes and protecting the rights of Vietnamese enterprises under the conventions’ regulations.

Later in the day, the deputies discussed the Law on the management and usage of the State budget in production. Besides agreed opinions, some deputies said the Law needs a mechanism to supervise the investment of state capital in businesses to avoid losses.

Tomorrow, the National Assembly will debate the revised resolution on conducting a vote of confidence on officials elected or approved by the National Assembly and People’s Councils, the revised Law on Vocational Training, and the revised Law on Nationality.
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