Wikileaks releases 500,000 Saudi diplomatic documents

(VOVworld) - WikiLeaks is in the process of publishing more than 500,000 Saudi diplomatic documents to the Internet, the transparency website said Friday, a move similar to its previous release of US State Department cables in 2010. WikiLeaks said in a statement that it has already posted roughly 60,000 files. Most of them appear to be in Arabic.

Wikileaks releases 500,000 Saudi diplomatic documents - ảnh 1
WikiLeaks said it has already posted roughly 60,000 files of 500,000 Saudi diplomatic documents to the internet (photo: Jewel Samad /AFP/Getty Images)

There was no immediate way to verify the authenticity of the documents, although WikiLeaks has a long track record of hosting large-scale leaks of government material. Many of the documents carried green letterhead marked "Kingdom of Saudi Arabia" or "Ministry of Foreign Affairs". Some were marked "urgent" or "classified". At least one appeared to be from the Saudi Embassy in Washington.

If genuine, the documents would offer a rare glimpse into the inner workings of the notoriously opaque kingdom. They might also shed light on Riyadh's longstanding regional rivalry with Iran, its support for Syrian rebels and Egypt's military-backed government.
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