Beauties flood national beauty contest

Beauties flood national beauty contest

(VOVworld)- More than 1,000 crown hopefuls have registered for Miss Viet Nam 2016 – the biennial national beauty contest, creating a lot of work for the judging panel
Recycling soap to give villagers hope

Recycling soap to give villagers hope

(VOVworld) - An estimated seven million children in developing countries, including Vietnam, pass away every year due to diarrheal and respiratory disease, which can be prevented by a simple but effective way: proper hand...
Wednesday June 29, 2016

Wednesday June 29, 2016

A: From India, Soumya Bhattacharjee, told us that they already have the rainy season in India after the long, hot summer. He hopes the weather is calm and not so...
Vietnam wins 20 places in 2016 Olympics

Vietnam wins 20 places in 2016 Olympics

(VOVworld)- Vietnamese sports has won 20 places in 10 sports to the 2016 Summer Olympics that will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from August 5-21, according to...
US issues Europe-wide terror warning in summer

US issues Europe-wide terror warning in summer

(VOVworld) – The US State Department has warned American travelers to Europe to be on the alert for potential terror attacks this summer which may target the EURO 2016 fotball championship...