Youth action for Vietnam’s coastal areas

Youth action for Vietnam’s coastal areas

(VOVworld) – Three innovative entries named “Garbage bags for the beach”, “Friendly markets in coastal areas”, and “Green Ocean”, have won prizes at a competition to propose solutions for conservation...
Radical and comprehensive reform of education

Radical and comprehensive reform of education

(VOVworld)- The 8th plenum of the 11th Party Central Committee has adopted a resolution on radically and comprehensively reforming education and training in Vietnam to meet the demands of national industrialization...
UNESCO honours Vietnamese poet Nguyen Du

UNESCO honours Vietnamese poet Nguyen Du

(VOV) - The UNESCO General Conference’s 37th session in Paris has issued a resolution honouring great Vietnamese poet Nguyen Du and other international cultural figureheads
Creativity of young Vietnamese promoted

Creativity of young Vietnamese promoted

(VOVworld) – 45 creative models, projects, initiatives, and products were honored at a ceremony held by the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union’s Central Committee in Ha Long City, Quang Ninh...
Vietnam Museum of Ethnology

Vietnam Museum of Ethnology

(VOVworld) - The Vietnam Museum of Ethnology is 6th on the list of the 25 most attractive museums in Asia, ranked by the prestigious travel site Trip Advisor. The museum is...
 Vietnam Film Festival in Quang Ninh

Vietnam Film Festival in Quang Ninh

(VOVworld)- The 18th National Film Festival opened on Monday in Halong city of Quang Ninh province with the theme: “Vietnam’s Cinematography: Nation, Humanity, Creativity, Integration”