Hanoi Declaration - a legacy, a gift of Vietnam

Hanoi Declaration - a legacy, a gift of Vietnam

(VOVworld) - The 132nd General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union has completed its agenda. The Assembly adopted the Hanoi Declaration reflecting the IPU members’ vision and their commitment to sustainable...
International law and national sovereignty

International law and national sovereignty

(VOVworld) – The Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights convened on Tuesday as part of the 132nd General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU 132) in Hanoi. Parliamentarians adopted a resolution...
Water among key IPU-132 agenda components

Water among key IPU-132 agenda components

(VOVworld) – Approximately 200 parliamentarians attended a meeting of the IPU 132 Executive Committee to discuss 2 draft resolutions on cyber security and water management. Vietnamese National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh...
Young Hanoians conserve energy

Young Hanoians conserve energy

(VOVworld) – Each year Earth Hour carries a different message but always targets a green and clean planet and raises people’s awareness of energy conservation. This year’s Earth Hour themed...
German-Greek relations: concurrent challenges

German-Greek relations: concurrent challenges

(VOVworld) – During the Greek Prime Minister’s first visit to Germany since he took office, Alexis Tsipras and German Chancellor Angela Merkel discussed Greece’s debt crisis and measures to boost bilateral...
Old book festival inspires love for books

Old book festival inspires love for books

(VOVworld)- Bill Gates, the Chairman of the Microsoft Corporation once spoke of the world at your fingertips to highlight the advantages of the internet and globalization. The flat world and the intrusion...
FTAs: a driving force for economic growth

FTAs: a driving force for economic growth

(VOVworld) – Participation in free trade agreements (FTA) will generate a motivation for business and economic growth in the future. The comment was made at an online conference organized by the...
Challenges in US- Venezuela relations

Challenges in US- Venezuela relations

(VOVworld)- Diplomatic tension has grown between the US and Venezuela since Venezuela demanded the US cut its embassy staff in Caracas 80% within 15 days. The demand has undermined the...
Tet welcoming in the north and south

Tet welcoming in the north and south

(VOVworld) – Whenever Tet, Vietnam’s Lunar New Year holiday, comes, all happily welcome spring, a time of rebirth and renewal, with customs immemorial. Activities like shopping for Tet flowers, taking...