Threats on Korean peninsula

Threats on Korean peninsula

(VOVworld)- The US and the Republic of Korea this week began an annual joint military drill called “Ulchi Freedom Guardian” despite warnings from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea....
Vietnam attends 4th Mekong-RoK ministerial meeting

Vietnam attends 4th Mekong-RoK ministerial meeting

(VOVworld) - A Vietnamese delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh is attending the fourth Mekong-Republic of Korea Foreign Ministers Meeting, which opened in Seoul...
Tension rises on Korean peninsula

Tension rises on Korean peninsula

(VOVworld) – The South Korea’s Defense Ministry reported Monday that about 100 shells fired by North Korea landed in the Yellow Sea south of the Northern Limit Line
Tensions increase on Korean peninsula

Tensions increase on Korean peninsula

(VOVworld) - A South Korean naval ship fired warning shots before it seized a North Korean fishing boat intruding about 1 nautical mile across the disputed sea border
Two Koreas restore military hotline

Two Koreas restore military hotline

(VOVworld)- South Korean newsagency Yonhap on Thursday, reported that the 2 Koreas had agreed on restoring their military hotline on the west coast, towards reopening the joint industrial zone Keasong
Peace on Korean peninsula remains a question

Peace on Korean peninsula remains a question

(VOVworld)- Following a rare move to ease tensions on the Korean peninsula by moving its mid-range missiles from the East Coast, Pyongyang on Wednesday continued deploying Scud and Rodong missiles...