Digital transformation - important premise to realize Party resolution

Digital transformation - important premise to realize Party resolution

(VOVWORLD) - The Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress identifies three strategic breakthroughs for national development. One of them is developing infrastructure for information and telecommunications to create a foundation for national digital transformation, heading to...
Vietnam committed to preventing human trafficking

Vietnam committed to preventing human trafficking

(VOVWORLD) - Preventing and fighting human trafficking is an important, urgent, regular and long-term task of Vietnam, Deputy Minister of Public Security Nguyen Duy Ngoc said at Saturday’s event in Quang...
Search and returning names for fallen soldiers

Search and returning names for fallen soldiers

(VOVWORLD) - The war is over, but the pain of war still afflicts many Vietnamese families. Nearly 1.2 million soldiers lost their lives on battlefields across the country. Hundreds of thousands of them have...