Young NA forum opens in Hanoi

Young NA forum opens in Hanoi

(VOVworld)- On Wednesday, more than 300 university students participated in a forum entitled “Young National Assembly of Vietnam” in Hanoi, which simulates the legislature’s plenary meeting
2015 Halifax International Security Forum ends

2015 Halifax International Security Forum ends

(VOVworld) – The 7th annual Halifax International Security Forum concluded in Canada on Sunday after discussing efforts to defeat IS on the ground and on the web, China’s growing military aggression...
NA adopts the Law on Hydro-Meteorology

NA adopts the Law on Hydro-Meteorology

(VOVworld)- On Monday, National Assembly deputies approved the Law on Hydro-Meteorology and discussed revisions to the Law on signing, joining and implementing international treaties
NA Q&A session ends

NA Q&A session ends

(VOVworld) – On Wednesday, the National Assembly closed its Q&A session during which NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung and 6 Ministers answered deputies’ questions over the past 2 days
Changes in National Assembly’s Q&A

Changes in National Assembly’s Q&A

(VOVworld)- The 13th National Assembly (NA) convened an unprecedented question-and-answer session on Monday in which deputies can ask any cabinet member about issues in the area of their management...