Tensions  continue in Thailand

Tensions continue in Thailand

(VOVworld) - Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban on Friday called on demonstrators who are occupying main government buildings to increase pressure at weekend on the administration of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra
A test for Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra

A test for Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra

(VOVworld) – Thailand is facing serious instability because of demonstrations by both anti- and pro-government forces in recent days, the largest since 2010 when political strife killed more than 90...
Joint statement between Vietnam and China

Joint statement between Vietnam and China

(VOVworld) - Vietnam and China have issued a joint statement on further deepening their comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership in the new period, on the occasion of Premier Li Keqiang’s official...
US pushes Afghanistan for security pact

US pushes Afghanistan for security pact

(VOVworld) – The US on Monday urged Afghanistan to accelerate negotiations on the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) which is expected to be achieved by the end of this month
Efforts for a transforming ASEAN

Efforts for a transforming ASEAN

(VOVworld) – Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung on Tuesday will attend the 23rd ASEAN Summit and related meetings from October 8th to 10th in Brunei. As a responsible and active member,...
Afghan civilians killed in NATO air raid

Afghan civilians killed in NATO air raid

(VOVworld)- At least 10 civilians including women and children were killed in an air strike last Saturday by the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in the eastern province Kunar, near...
Rural culture in Phu Luu village

Rural culture in Phu Luu village

(VOVworld) – Phu Luu, a village in Bac Ninh province, is home to many historical relics sites. The area has been urbanized, yet still retains cultural traditions
ASEAN solidarity creates strength

ASEAN solidarity creates strength

(VOVworld)- Founded 46 years ago, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations has developed strongly towards the establishment of an ASEAN Community by 2015. Challenges to the achievement of this goal lie...
Vietnam-US relations cemented

Vietnam-US relations cemented

(VOVworld) – The US-Vietnam relationship is being consolidated and promoted comprehensively on the basis of increased trust building after a recent US visit by President Truong Tan Sang
ASEAN builds a community

ASEAN builds a community

(VOVworld) - The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN, will celebrate its 46th anniversary on August 8th. ASEAN has made enormous progress in forming a united bloc, becoming a successful regional organization, contributing to...
Enhanced search and rescue cooperation in East Sea

Enhanced search and rescue cooperation in East Sea

(VOVworld)- Strengthening cooperation within ASEAN and between ASEAN and China in search and rescue in the East Sea is part of the Guiding Principles for implementing the Declaration of Conduct of Parties (DOC)...
Vietnam resolved to fight corruption

Vietnam resolved to fight corruption

(VOVworld) – The National Steering Committee for Corruption Prevention and Combat met on Wednesday to map out specific tasks for the rest of the year. The National Assembly’s Judicial Committee...
Vietnamese culture from a Russian point of view

Vietnamese culture from a Russian point of view

(VOVworld) – The book “Vietnam - the land of Dragons and Fairies” by Russian author Daria Mishukova was introduced to Vietnamese readers in Hanoi early this month. Mishukova herself translated...
AMM-46’s success reflects ASEAN consensus

AMM-46’s success reflects ASEAN consensus

(VOVworld)- The 46th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (AMM-46) has adopted a joint communiqué, reiterating the bloc’s determination to build an ASEAN community by 2015 and stressing the importance of regional...
US intelligence in a dilemma

US intelligence in a dilemma

(VOVworld) – Edward Snowden, a former CIA intelligence agent, has revealed to the media an Internet surveillance program called PRISM, which the US National Security Agency has operated for years. The move has...