Cuban magazine hails President Ho Chi Minh

Cuban magazine hails President Ho Chi Minh

(VOVworld) – A Cuban magazine on Latin America and the third world called Resumen Latinoamericano has published a special 12-page edition honoring President Ho Chi Minh on his 125th birthday (May...
Wednesday April 22, 2015

Wednesday April 22, 2015

A: Hanoi is moving from spring into summer. A few days ago the daytime temperature rose to 37DC. An overnight shower cooled things off a bit and we are now enjoying...
Vietnam's private giants turn to farming

Vietnam's private giants turn to farming

(VOVworld) – Vietnam’s agriculture is receiving an increase of domestic and foreign investment. To use the investment flow effectively, the Vietnamese government has promulgated mechanisms and policies to remove obstacles...
Tapping potentials for water tourism in Can Tho

Tapping potentials for water tourism in Can Tho

(VOVworld) – More and more visitors are coming to Can Tho today thanks to new flight routes connecting Can Tho with other major localities across Vietnam. Located in the Mekong River Delta...
Water among key IPU-132 agenda components

Water among key IPU-132 agenda components

(VOVworld) – Approximately 200 parliamentarians attended a meeting of the IPU 132 Executive Committee to discuss 2 draft resolutions on cyber security and water management. Vietnamese National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh...
Young Hanoians conserve energy

Young Hanoians conserve energy

(VOVworld) – Each year Earth Hour carries a different message but always targets a green and clean planet and raises people’s awareness of energy conservation. This year’s Earth Hour themed...
Writer, poetess Bach Phan of Dong Thap

Writer, poetess Bach Phan of Dong Thap

(VOVworld) – Bach Phan of Sa Dec city, Dong Thap province, has written many Vọng cổ songs, which are a cycle or pattern, performed in Vietnam’s reformed opera. Bach Phan...
Vietnam tries to fully tap tuna catching industry

Vietnam tries to fully tap tuna catching industry

(VOVworld) – Tuna is one of Vietnam’s top export items and widely praised for its high quality. But Vietnamese fishing relies more on experience than advanced equipment. Fishermen in the south central provinces...