Strengthening the Party begins from every member

Strengthening the Party begins from every member

(VOVworld) – The public appreciates the 4th session of the 12th Party Central Committee (PCC) for its candid assessment of degradation in political ideology, morality, and lifestyle, as well as “self-evolution”, and...
Spain arrests terror suspects

Spain arrests terror suspects

(VOVworld) – Spanish police arrested 7 people suspected of having links with international terror groups Al Qaeda and IS
Migration wave poses serious challenges to Europe

Migration wave poses serious challenges to Europe

(VOVworld)- The migrant crisis in Europe is growing acute as thousands of migrants flood the border areas of EU countries. Inevitably, some conflicts and clashes are occurring and the EU has become divided...
Wednesday October 8, 2014

Wednesday October 8, 2014

VOVworld) - Christopher Lewis of England wrote:“I would like to say that VOV has excellent news coverage, not only domestic but also international. Each story is covered in depth and delivered very well. The Sunday show...
VOV’s national press award winners

VOV’s national press award winners

(VOVworld) – Reporters from the Voice of Vietnam’s central region bureau won the top national press award in 2012 and 2013. Their entry last year examined loopholes in water resources management...
Returning to legendary Au Lau wharf

Returning to legendary Au Lau wharf

(VOVworld)- Located in Yen Bai city, 200 km northwest of Hanoi, the Au Lau wharf is one of the most famous historical relics associated with the Dien Bien Phu victory....
Attaching human right and aid is non-humanitarian

Attaching human right and aid is non-humanitarian

(VOVworld) – The US House of Representatives’ Subcommittee on Human Rights on May 16th approved HR 1897, the so-called “Vietnam Human Rights Act of 2013”, which consists of measures to boost human rights...
New diplomatic solution needed on Korean peninsula

New diplomatic solution needed on Korean peninsula

(VOVworld)- South Korea has announced it successfully launched a rocket into space on Wednesday. Meanwhile, North Korea is threatening to launch its third nuclear test in retaliation for UN Security Council...
Administration subversion trial begins

Administration subversion trial begins

(VOVworld) – The People’s Court of Phu Yen province has opened the trial of 22 members of the Council for the Laws and Public Affairs of Bia Son on charges...
Tensions on the Korean Peninsula

Tensions on the Korean Peninsula

(VOVworld) - The Korean Peninsula has become tense since the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea announced the imminent launch of a long-range rocket carrying on earth-observation satellite. With international...
A veteran busy with social work

A veteran busy with social work

(VOVworld) 70 year-old veteran Huynh Ly has kept busy with his family and social work despite reminders of his wounds whenever there’s a change in the weather. A resident of Phu...
Mother Goddess Worship and trance rituals in Vietnam

Mother Goddess Worship and trance rituals in Vietnam

(VOVworld) - Mother Goddess Worship and trance rituals (or “hầu đồng”) are traditional religious practices in Vietnam, with the latter considered an art performance combined with music, singing, and dancing. Mother Goddess Worship and trance...