Syriza party wins Greek election

Syriza party wins Greek election

(VOVworld) – Greece’s left-wing Syriza party led by Alexis Tsipras won Sunday’s election with 35.54% of the vote against 28.07% for the conservative New Democracy party
Turkey forms provisional government

Turkey forms provisional government

(VOVworld) - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday approved the makeup of the provisional government that will run the country until November 1 elections, including for the first time pro...
Israel reaches deal to form coalition government

Israel reaches deal to form coalition government

(VOVworld) – On Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu signed an agreement with far-right Jewish Home party leader Naftali Bennett to form a coalition government, 90 minutes before a midnight...
Clashes erupt outside Ukrainian Parliament office

Clashes erupt outside Ukrainian Parliament office

(VOVworld) – Clashes broke out Tuesday outside the Ukrainian Parliament office as deputies inside repeatedly voted down proposals to recognise certain members of the nationalist Svoboda Party as national heroes
David Cameron calls for constitutional reform

David Cameron calls for constitutional reform

(VOVworld)- British Prime Minister David Cameron said it was time for more voices to be heard in the wake of Scotland's historic decision to reject independence. He said work would start...
Memories of an announcer

Memories of an announcer

(VOVworld) – This is the Voice of Vietnam, broadcasting from Hanoi, capital of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. This announcement against a background of the song Smashing Fascism has opened numerous...
Ukraine’s Prime Minister resigns

Ukraine’s Prime Minister resigns

(VOVworld) – Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk announced Thursday his resignation at Ukraine’s Parliament, after criticizing politicians for not approving Energy and Budgetary bills, which were to finance the army
Faith in EU integration shaken

Faith in EU integration shaken

(VOVworld)- The European Parliament election results have been announced. Though the Alliance of Conservative, Social and Democratic Parties won the majority of votes in the new parliament, it was a surprise that...