Obama picks Defense Secretary, CIA head

Obama picks Defense Secretary, CIA head

President Barack Obama on Monday nominated former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel as his next defense secretary and counterterrorism adviser John Brennan to head the CIA
Adventures of a cricket, 70 years after

Adventures of a cricket, 70 years after

(VoVoworld) – Over the past 70 years, “Adventures of a Cricket", written by To Hoai, has become a close friend of many generations of Vietnamese children. Every sentence, every paragraph, and every image...
Obama re-elected as US President

Obama re-elected as US President

Barack Obama, the first African American president, has been re-elected for his second term, defeating Republican challenger Mitt Romney
Vietnamese welcome new year overseas

Vietnamese welcome new year overseas

The Vietnamese embassy in Russia on Friday hosted a banquet for embassy staff, their families and the Vietnamese community in the country on the occasion of the tradition lunar new year....